Friday, July 31, 2015

My abandoned projects...

Since I have recently moved it has lead to me finding new places for things and ways to organize my things in my new space.  This has lead to me seeing my unfinished projects again so it has motivated me to finish one of them and get them out of my organizers.  Plus, as I mentioned in my last post I have been trying a rotation of sorts and it seems to be working so far so this is my way of planning ahead.  I also have quite a few stitching friends that I talk to daily who help keep me motivated on my projects both current and the forgotten ones.  So posting them here I think will allow me to plan ahead but also give them a way to easily see what I have in my unfinished pile and help get them finished!  I took pictures of them all last nite and will add them here and start going down the list.  There are a few I need to find some things for to be able to finish the pattern and I will start shopping for those to get them done!  I only have a little bit left on my HAED, sapphire to have a page (and a row!) finish so I wanted to plan ahead.  Here is the pictures of the projects sitting in my stash drawers.

These are the ones I'm gonna have to find something, either a pattern etc to be able to finish.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A finish!

It's been awhile!  I am trying a rotation.  My plan was to use a main project, my my main focus and every other week work on a different project.  So the rotation would go like this a, b, a, c, a get the idea.  I got a lot done on my HAED.  I am a little less than half way through my last page and the partial page across the top of my pattern.  When it was time to switch I started a new pattern.  I got this pattern off of a designers Facebook page named Durene Jones.  She has quite a few great freebies and great designs in her Etsy shop.  She released 4 similar butterflies, each a different color so I did the first release in the series, which was a green/teal one.  And, I actually got it done!  Yes, you read that right...I, miss serial starter has a finish!  Here is a few pictures of the final result!

This project was plagued at the start with the frog, so I had to restart it 3 different times.  I ended up doing 5x5 squares for awhile until I got it right.  That seemed to work, but this project seemed to move pretty quickly once I got it started.  I plan to work on the next butterfly in the series, a purple one once I switch from my HAED again.

I originally planned to work on this one, as part of my rotation, for a week but due to having to start it 3 times and my job I was determined to get it finished after starting it so many times.  We had a huge, local and National festival, the Cherry Festival, the week of the 4th.  Between events with the kids like an airshow with the Thunderbirds, fireworks, the carnival with the kids and being a housekeeper at a hotel it kept my schedule extremely busy!  My town has been gaining a TON of national attention for being one of the top vacation spots.  Even People magazine named it #2 in all of the country.  Pretty proud of it!

Getting back on track, I'm glad I stuck with it.  I love the pattern.  I like bright colored patterns and I love doing blackwork so this project was great for me!  I've wondered if this project would look good in varigated thread too so you may be seeing this project again in those type of threads.

I am picking my HAED back up for awhile.  Here is my starting point for right now.  Sorry for the quality of the photo.  I usually take pictures of my stitching with my camera but I took this one with my phone.

I hope to get the rest of this page and the partial page (which I'm doing at the same time) done before I move on.  I shall post an update when I switch again.  I think once I get the purple butterfly stitched I am going to pick up one of my old UFOs.  I started organizing my projects after moving and I have soooo many.  I need to get some of them finished.  I am itching to stitch so I will say bye for now.  Hope you enjoyed the update!