Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Goals and Updates

It is the second month of the year already.  It seems to have flown by in a blink.  I thought this would be a good time to start my monthly goals and some starting pictures of where I am at the beginning of each month.  This way I can see just how much stitching I do get done and it may make me feel more accomplished as a serial starter.  

I do stitch purely for enjoyment and I work on what is calling to me the most.  I haven't really worked on Sapphire or my Stained Glass pieces in the last little bit.  I haven't been feeling very well and work has just been crazy.  I love working on Sapphire but it's slower going than others because of the confetti and size.  The stained glass project takes me a bit to figure out where to end one color and start the next based on the pattern so it takes more concentration.

February Stitching Goals

Work is going to be quite crazy for the next few weeks.  We have a big event in town and the hotel is going to be full and with it being a short month I hope I can get these accomplished.  However, even getting one of them done is more than I had in January.  So here's the list which is subject to change on a whim.

  1. Finish colorwork.
  2. Finish the 4th page of Sapphire.
  3. Finish the 1st page of Stained Glass.
  4. Make a list of the threads numbers I will need to complete the first page of Cake Shop.
  5. Purchase the fabric & threads I need for the 1st page of Cake Shop.
  6. Start the Snowman project after Colorwork is finished.
  7. Bobbinate 40 threads (I hate doing this).
  8. Make a list of the colors I need for the 1st page of Rainbow Eye.

Blackwork Update

I have been working on the redwork piece quite a bit.  I'm going to nickname this project 'colorwork' because I have changed the colors so much.  I like to work on blackwork as a break from my bigger projects.  It stitches up pretty quickly and I am loving how the colors are working out.  Here is my most recent update pictures!

It is currently my Friday so I hope to get quite a bit of my February goals worked on in the next few days.  Those are always the best laid plans!  Enjoy!

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